2017 Vinod Sharan Foundation Holiday Party

​Holiday cheer, touching speeches and live music filled the air at this year’s 3rd Annual Vinod Sharan Foundation Holiday Party. Over 80 people would attend this Christmas-time event at the SPR Banquet Hall in Plano, TX. The large crowd would play a huge part in raising close to $10,000 for our charity on this exciting night.​

​VSF President Leena Sharan spoke to the large group in attendance and quickly celebrated the recent successes of the charity, but also emphasized the importance of growing our volunteer and selection committees moving forward. Parents of VSF children also made an appearance, talking to the audience about committing to this special cause which was very compelling to watch.

​The Group Therapy Band was on hand to perform its magic singing classic songs like “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder and “Don’t You Forget About Me” by Simple Minds. Silver Fox and Cool River handled the catering duties and they were superb in taste and variety.

The VSF holiday event was truly a wonderful presentation; for more news on VSF and award ceremonies, stay tuned for more email newsletters on the VSF schedule for 2018.